5 Tips for Landing a Remote Job in 2023

Dec 16, 2022

The search for remote work has increased exponentially since the pandemic began. Whether it’s the desire to work from the comfort of your own home or the appeal of working for a company out of state, there are a variety of reasons that appeal to workers.

If you are looking to change jobs or still looking for remote work, here are 5 tips for landing a remote job in 2023.

5 Tips for Landing a Remote Job

As my clients assess their 2023 career paths, some have found that they would like to be able to work from home. If a company doesn’t offer up a hybrid or remote working situation, it may be time to start looking for something new.

Over the last 3 years, remote work has grown in popularity and become more competitive. In order to land a remote job, you have to prepare and set yourself apart from other applicants.

  1. Identify the Type of Work You Are Looking For

I’ve had clients express the desire to work from home, but after some coaching, they’ve realized it wouldn’t be a great fit. This is why I always encourage clients to identify what they are looking to get out of work.

If you are an extrovert, you may find it difficult to only connect to coworkers through a screen. As a leader, you may find managing a group remotely has different challenges than you are used to.

An additional consideration is that external management may be limited. Often remote jobs require you to be a self-starter and self-motivated. If you prefer constant direction and one-on-one interactions, remote work may not be for you.

Make a list of what kind of balance you are looking for, and keep in mind that it doesn’t always need to be fully remote or full-time in the office. If you want occasional in-person interactions, you might want to consider a hybrid approach.

  1. Highlight Why Your Skills are Suited for Remote Work

If you’re positive that remote work is right for you, it’s time to sell it to future employers. Make note of the skills you possess that make you a great candidate for working from home. This can be anything from organization to time management.

An employer wants to ensure that their remote employees are great at communicating, motivating themselves, and being reliable. Just because an employee isn’t working in a traditional brick-and-mortar office, doesn’t mean they don’t have deadlines to meet.

Prepare a list of skills to show that you are highly capable and disciplined enough to do the job from your home office.

  1. Understand and Learn Popular Remote Tools

When working from home, you will be required to rely on technology to stay in contact with your coworkers and manager. While the company will likely provide the necessary equipment, you can get a head start by learning the tools.

Start researching what companies and teams are using to stay connected in a remote or hybrid world. You can start learning these new tools to add to your resume at any time. If you are going to be working from home full-time, it’s important to understand the newest technology.

To get you started, there are numerous free trainings available online for the most popular tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. Highlighting that you can be up and running on these tools once you join the team will make onboarding (and hiring you) that much easier for the company.

  1. Prepare For a Virtual Interview

Anytime you want to ace an interview, you should prepare ahead of time. Many of the tips you’ll find for in-person interviews still apply to remote interviews.

  • Dress professionally
  • Be punctual
  • Practice interview questions
  • Research the company
  • Prep for negotiations

There are other things to consider when interviewing remotely, however.

First off, make sure your technology works! I cannot stress this point enough. If you struggle to figure out video, sound, or the internet connection during an interview to work remotely, it may cost you the job.

Next, check your surroundings. Make sure your background is as neutral as possible. A background that is too busy may distract the interviewer and have them wondering if your office setup really works for you.

Finally, focus on the list of applicable skills you identified. This is your chance to not only share why you’re a great fit for the company but why you’re a great fit to do the job remotely.

  1. Set Up Saved Searches

Unfortunately, remote jobs are still highly competitive and not readily available. During 2020, many predicted remote work would be embraced by the majority of companies. While businesses did adjust to a new way of working, many still prefer having workers in the office.

So, my clients often ask, how can I find remote jobs? The answer is surprisingly simple, you find them the same way you find any job. There are job boards dedicated specifically to remote work as well as freelance and contract work. But, many times you can find remote work on the bigger sites like Indeed or LinkedIn as well.

In addition to job boards, identify the companies that offer remote work. If there are any you’d love to work for, follow them on multiple platforms. When they post remote jobs, you’ll be among the first to know.

Applying for Remote Jobs

The biggest key to remote job postings is speed. When a job is posted, you need to apply as soon as possible. To better your chances, set up a saved search on job sites. Make sure to filter to remote work only. You can set these searches up to alert you whenever a new posting appears.

Be sure to watch out for scams. Some ways to tell if a job is a scam are:

  • The company has no online presence
  • Spelling and grammar errors
  • Primarily negative reviews
  • They are asking for personal information or money

Like any interaction you have online, proceed with caution.

The Takeaway

Remote work can provide many benefits including less time commuting, more time with loved ones, and managing your own schedule (to an extent). It can also offer up a set of challenges you aren’t used to such as isolation, overworking or underworking, and lack of self-motivation.

Before jumping on the work-from-home trend, decide if that work style really works for you. Keep in mind it may require you to work abnormal hours (if the business is located elsewhere) or occasionally travel to meet in person.

When you are sure that remote work is for you, brush up on the necessary tools and revisit your resume to include all relevant skills. Use questions and time during the interview to highlight why you are the right person for the job and how you will excel as a team member working from your home office.

Finally, stand by your brand. You deserve these opportunities and have unique skills to offer a company. Be confident and prepared and you will find your dream job in no time.

If you are worried about the interview portion, check out the courses I offer on public speaking. Communication is essential in every job, and I can help coach you through any type of interview that comes your way.

The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Career in Business


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