How To Figure Out Your Career Path and Get Noticed In 2023

Dec 08, 2022

Have you ever been in a meeting and found yourself thinking about how your career options were limited or well... limited? Not to mention the fact that the company had just laid off 2% of its staff?

 In this article, I'll be sharing insights on how to figure out your career path and get noticed in 2023.

What is a Career Path?

A career path is the succession of jobs an individual holds throughout work. A clear career path provides a sense of direction and purpose and can help to motivate and focus an individual’s efforts. It can also help employers to identify and develop talent within their organization.

 Individuals often have several different career paths during their working life as they move between jobs, industries, or geographical locations. Therefore, the term ‘career path’ describes an individual’s overall progression and the specific sequence of roles they hold at any time.

5 Methods for Building Visibility in Your Workplace

Method No. 1: Speak up, speak well, and speak often

The first method for developing your career path is to speak up, speak well, and speak often. This means you need to participate in your career development actively. You can't just sit back and let things happen to you - you need to make things happen. And you need to be an advocate for yourself.

 Introverts often have a natural tendency to listen and communicate with others. This can be a great asset in the workplace, as plenty of situations require listening to others and effectively guiding conversations. However, you should know how to speak up for yourself diplomatically when needed, whether introverted or extroverted.

 This means being proactive and taking the initiative to find opportunities and networking with people who can help you further your career. It also means having the confidence to speak up for yourself and share your ideas. And finally, it means being a good communicator and articulating your goals and dreams clearly. Of course, if you want to develop your career path, you need to be willing to put in the work. But if you do these things, the sky is the limit!

Method No. 2: Volunteer for a team or an additional assignment or lead a project

One of my colleagues, who originally joined the company as a writer, eventually discovered that he had a knack for organizing events. As a result, he finally felt comfortable asking his boss about coordinating a social outing for his team. Although it wasn't directly work-related, the result was an improved relationship between him and his manager and a short-term promotional assignment. In addition, that project led to other opportunities in various departments, giving him more time to follow his passion for event planning.

 The takeaway: It pays to think outside the box and offer to help co-workers with projects that aren't part of your job responsibilities. Not only are you developing your skills, but you're also building a deep pool of knowledge.

Method No. 3: Be confident

Regardless of your career goals, it is important to approach them confidently. This does not mean that you should be cocky or overbearing, but rather that you should believe in your ability to achieve your goals. When you are confident in your ability to reach your goals, it will show in your attitude and work ethic, both of which are essential for success.

 One way to develop confidence is to set realistic goals for yourself. If you set too high of goals, you will likely become frustrated and give up. On the other hand, if you set too low goals, you will not challenge yourself enough to reach your full potential. Therefore, it is pivotal to find a happy medium when setting goals.

 If you find yourself lacking confidence, there are a few things that you can do to change this. First, surround yourself with positive people who support your career goals. Second, avoid comparing yourself to others; everyone has unique talents and abilities that they bring to the table. Finally, remember that confidence can be developed over time; the more you practice it, the easier it will become.

Method No. 4: Network, socialize and be approachable

If you're new to networking or just looking to brush up on your skills, it's important to remember that there is a right and wrong way to go about it. Just like there are hundreds of ways to socialize, there are just as many ways to network - and it's crucial that you find the approach that works best for you and your business.

 It's helpful to understand the culture of your business and what type of networking will fit in best to get the most out of networking. For example, if you're in a more formal industry, you'll want to make sure you're exchanging business cards and engaging in a conversation focused on business objectives.

 On the other hand, if you're in a more creative industry, attending industry events and meeting people in informal settings is more beneficial. However, some basic networking principles always apply no matter what industry you're in.

 First and foremost, remember always to be approachable and friendly - after all, no one wants to talk to someone who seems uninterested or unwilling to engage. Second, make sure you're an active listener - this will help ensure that people want to keep talking to you. And finally, remember to follow up after meeting someone new - a simple email or phone call can go a long way in solidifying a new business relationship.

Method No. 5: Put your best foot forward in all that you do

Winston Churchill is often credited for saying: "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." That statement still holds today. No matter what you do or how you feel, remember to put your best foot forward if you want your work to be seen or if you want it to count.

 It's no secret that having a positive attitude at work can go a long way. But what if you're not naturally inclined to see the glass half full? Here are five tips to help build a more positive outlook and increase your visibility in the workplace:

  1. First, acknowledge your negative thoughts, but don't dwell on them.
  2. Second, make an effort to connect with co-workers and build relationships.
  3. Third, seek out opportunities to learn and grow.
  4. Fourth, be solutions-oriented when problems arise.
  5. Finally, focus on your strengths and accomplishments, and don't be afraid to toot your own horn!


Is this easy and without any obstacles? Definitely not! For example, there's office politics. So when you're faced with it, how do you handle it? Keep reading to find out.

Tips to Overcome Office Politics

Office politics can be a real pain. You’re trying to do your job and advance your career, but it feels like you’re constantly running into roadblocks.

 If you’re struggling with office politics, here are a few tips to help you overcome it:

1.     Be aware of the political landscape

Keep your ear to the ground and try to identify the key players in the office politics game. Once you know who’s who, you can navigate the waters more effectively.

2.   Don’t get involved in drama

There’s no need to add fuel to the fire by getting involved in petty gossip or arguments. If someone is causing trouble, just stay out of it and let them deal with the consequences.

3.   Be professional

No matter what others may be doing, always remember to be professional in your dealings with them. This means staying calm and respectful and avoiding any personal attacks.

4.   Avoid taking sides

In any conflict, there are usually two sides with different perspectives. If you take sides, you’ll only make the situation worse. So instead, try to see both sides and find a compromise that everyone can live with.

5.    Focus on your own goals

Don’t let office politics derail you from your own goals. Instead, stay focused on your goals, and don’t get sidetracked by the drama.


Final Thoughts

As we move into 2023, it's essential to start thinking about our career paths and what we want to achieve. By following our tips, you'll be well on your way to building a successful career path that will take you wherever you want.

 Whether you're looking to climb the corporate ladder or start your own business, now is the time to start planning your next steps. With a little forethought and some careful planning, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Career in Business


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