How Your Authentic Leadership Style Can Advance Your Career

Dec 29, 2022

Today I’m going to flip some age-old advice on its head: Don’t ‘Fake it ‘til You Make It’. Many of my clients have followed the infamous advice to pretend they are a leader until it becomes a reality. But, when we pretend to be someone we’re not at work, we miss out on what makes each of us unique.

The business world is learning to be more inclusive, a trend that will continue to grow in 2023. Every senior leader, middle manager, and individual contributor can help promote and benefit from an inclusive work environment. That’s why in the new year, I’m encouraging everyone to start embracing their authentic leadership styles as a way to advance their careers.

What does Authentic Leadership Mean?

Authenticity is about being the truest version of yourself. Every decision you make, in work or in life, should be based on your core values, ethics, and sense of purpose. It means not compromising what you believe in just to get ahead.

However, authenticity doesn’t mean you should have a filter or give you permission to be disrespectful to others. It should always foster an environment of mutual respect and trust. Truly authentic leaders are guided by their integrity, passion, and commitment to their teams. They exhibit self-awareness as well as empathy for others. They build themselves up as well as those around them. Authentic leaders are, in short, the ultimate team players.

Why is Authenticity Important in Business?

Historically, the “fake it ‘til you make it” mentality has perpetuated the idea that there is only one way to lead in business. While we know that this isn’t true, it’s hard to imagine a world of leaders that represent some of us, simply because we haven’t had such role models before.

When we bring our authentic selves to work every day, we lead and encourage others to do the same. This creates a culture of respect and builds an environment where employees feel safe to be who they are and to bring the best version of themselves to work every day.

Many workers look for managers and employees that are genuine and authentic. These types of employees are typically engaged and motivated, helping companies to be innovative and thrive in the ever-changing business world.

Find Your Authentic Leadership Style

When you’ve frequently felt as though you need to wear a mask at work to fit in, it may be intimidating to embrace your authentic self. Unfortunately, there is no quick-fix button that can make the transition easy on you, it takes a lot of work and self-reflection.

Identify Your Values

Whether you realize it or not, your values guide every decision in your life. These are the things that keep you going day after day and help you understand the world around you.

If you already have a clear idea about what your core values are, you’re heading in a good direction. If you don’t, identifying your values is the first step to embracing your authentic leadership style. Take a few minutes to write down a list of five values you strive to live by.

This list can include anything from compassion to adventure to financial security. It can include a strong work ethic and integrity. Ultimately, these are the things you care about most in life and should guide you through tough decisions.

Focus on Goals

Your goals should be more specific than your values. These are achievements you can work towards on a daily, weekly, or yearly basis. For instance, you may set a goal for a promotion, to figure out your career path, or to have your team recognized in a company-wide meeting. You can set project goals or budget goals for your team. Each goal gives you and your team something to work towards.

For team-specific goals, use visual management to track how progress is being made. You can also split goals into smaller tasks that can help motivate and stop the team from feeling overwhelmed. If days become stressful, you can always look to your goals to remind you what you and your team are working towards.

Work on Communication

Improving your communication skills is one of the most impactful changes you can make when expressing your leadership style. Both written and verbal communication delivered poorly can cause massive setbacks in your work life.

On the flip side, good communicators are able to display confidence and inspire. Take steps to improve on public speaking when presenting in a town hall or to your team. Being a good public speaker can also help boost your career and show that you are an authentic leader.

Be thoughtful and considerate when communicating to help build trust. Take time to craft your message and vision before speaking. You should also actively listen to your employees and peers when they present new ideas or express frustration. Engage in each conversation in a meaningful way and the trust will build with time.

Build Relationships

Along with communication, authentic leaders establish relationships with those around them. By sharing who you are as a person, you invite others to do the same. Employees that feel seen and heard are more likely to stay with a manager and company.

These connections are important in networking as well. People don’t like feeling used or talking to someone who appears to be fake. Take the time to know your network- their goals, values, and personal lives. Establishing a genuine relationship is beneficial to everyone involved.

Utilize Your Authentic Leadership Style

When you’ve identified what authenticity means to you, take action. There’s no need to make drastic changes all at once, but little steps can get you moving in the right direction toward your values and leadership style.

Communicate openly with your team regarding strategy, leadership style, and any changes they may see. Foster an environment of mutual trust and respect to encourage them to be open with you as well.

Seek advice and feedback from trusted mentors to understand how your new style is being perceived. Ask what’s working and what isn’t. Peers, employees, and management can help guide you toward being an effective and genuine leader.

The Takeaway

Leaning into your authentic leadership style benefits your peers, the company, and you. Being authentic and genuine helps others to trust you and your decision-making. It helps establish a network of people who know you and your capabilities so that when it’s time to take the next career step, you can lean on some great recommendations.

Take time to identify the values that guide you, the work you are passionate about, and how your personality can inspire and motivate those around you. And, as always, feel free to reach out for more tips on mentorship and public speaking.

The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Career in Business


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